Noticed profile changed a bit even though it's on snooze

So there's this girl I've been talking to for about a month now. Met her on bumble but moved to ig to talk. Sometimes I check her bumble profile every now and then to see if she's still active or if anything changed. Her profile is on snooze right now and has been like that for more than a week. Yet, I noticed how somethings on her profile seemed a bit different. For one, I think she added another interest in her interests. Although I'm not exactly sure if she actually did or that interest was just always there (maybe it's just me). But there's one thing I know did change for sure. It was her opening prompt. It was different from when I last checked her profile. This made me a bit worried about whether she's still active on it or not. I know that you can choose to have at most three different opening prompts at once. So I was thinking is it possible that her opening prompt just changed without her doing it? Or do you really have to do it manually, meaning she did actually change it? Should I be worried?