Don’t want to wear that mask, because it’s such a nuisance….well, science says….

Don’t want to wear that mask, because it’s such a nuisance….well, science says….

Did you catch COVID recently? How many infections have u had? Why do you keep getting infected and why feel so crappy? So many symptoms! Science doesn’t lie. In fact, COVID has been studied extensively because it’s novel & debilitating. The amt of damage it can inflict on the body is unpredictable.

"> Did you catch COVID recently? How many infections have u had? Why do you keep getting infected and why feel so crappy? So many symptoms! Science doesn’t lie. In fact, COVID has been studied extensively because it’s novel & debilitating. The amt of damage it can inflict on the body is unpredictable.

Decided to stay away from scale for a month!

I am trying to motivate myself to get back into Intermittent Fasting. So far I have been failing. I might fail again and again but it’s nice to pick myself up and start over each time. It’s better than never trying again. Anyways, I set very very small goals for myself. 5 miles steps per day (can be anything as long as total steps equals to 5 miles end of the day). And 18 hrs of fast daily with last meal being no later than 5 pm. I also decided to only look at the scale last day of each month. I think I get discouraged looking at it daily. Will report back last day of February!

How do I figure out what is making me feel bad?

I’ve noticed that throughout the day something would trigger me. And I’d feel a certain emotion but I can never tell what it is I’m feeling. I try a lot of internal things like talking to myself in head to figure out what went wrong or pacing for a couple hours until the feeling is gone. Is there anyone out there that can relate and has any advice? TL:DR I’m struggling with identifying emotions and triggers and would like help on how to figure them out

How do you know it's "Time"?

Charlie dog is appx 15 years old (actual age unknown as he's a rescue) He's been slowing down for a couple of years now. Over the last 2 weeks, he's not been able to get himself off his bed if he lays there too long, occasionally resulting in him peeing and pooping and laying in it for an unknown amount of time while we are gone to work. He's got Bambi legs where he can barely stand on the hardwood anymore and his eyesight is going. He still eats like a crazy man and there are moments where he's got energy and acts normal but they are getting fewer and farther between and it's these moments that give me hope. We've got fairly flexible schedules, so we've been taking half days so he isn't left alone but I don't think it's feasible forever. I can probably start taking him to work with me but I don't know if that would make him more exhausted or in pain. Do we just hold on and love him while we can or would it be more merciful to let him go?

What's your song


"> Mines MY EYES

How much alcohol and mushies it take for TRell to get powered up like he is on Apollo

Does anyone miss the old demos?

Ever since natlan came out the demos feels... different, like they're leaning into ZZZ's style of demos: less combat and all filled with animation. For example Citlali's, where it doesn't even reach 2 minutes of duration (the usual 5 star trailers), and Mavuika's, which is more of a music video than anything. Meanwhile we have some bangers like Arlecchino's, Zhongli's and I'd even say Collei's are better than the ones we have. The only ones I liked were the 4stars (Ororon, Lanyan's...), where it felt much more like the older ones, in fact we can see how much they improved with those type of trailers being comparable to the 2.0 5 stars. (Now I realized that ever since Emilie's demo came out, there were no more demos' and changed them to 'presentations or whatever...)

First time how'd I do?

Has anyone else drank whiskey during an asthma attack?

I'm not trying to recommend this to anyone. I was having really bad asthma attacks during the winter to the point my inhalers weren't even working anymore. I drank whiskey because I just liked how smooth it was, but after one sip, I felt as though I could breathe better. I did end up eventually going to the hospital a few days later because I did need prednisone. I know drinking is bad for you overall, especially if you have asthma but I've been wondering if others have also drunk during an asthma attack and noticed a difference.

Twingo air intake hose.

My air intake hose (the one that goes from the air box to the front bumper) is in pieces, it started delaminating, propably because of the age. It was hanging inside the engine bay so I removed it. I ve tried finding replacements but I can't find this hose anyware. How can I replace it or substitute it?

Espresso Martini Dispenser - SOS

Hello All! Looking for ideas or even DIY project but essentially we have a wedding in October this year. We want to have espresso martini's but operationally we do not want to slow down the bar by having the bartenders constantly having to shake them up BUT we still want the nice head on top! I've seen a couple of people talk about converting a beer keg system to use nitro. Anyone have feedback on the taste and feasibility of this. Ideally we keep the total cost of the unit below a $1000 as I do not see us using it much after the wedding. The wedding is out of state but we will be driving over. Tried looking at party rentals and plenty have espresso makers but nothing for espresso martini. I know there a couple that are starting to hit the market like the Ketel One but appears to be out of our price range. Appreciate all and any ideas!

Not sure how to mentally move forward from my accident

I just want to share my story and open it up for advice hoping it will help me out. Since I had kids my driving anxiety has gotten worse. I mostly fear bridges, going over and under them. Not just bridges that cross water, just any type of bridge (although water bridges are by far the worse) I am short so I sit very close to the steering wheel. I try to give as much space as I can but I still need to reach the pedals. But anyway this leads to another severe anxiety for getting into a car crash. I’m scared if the airbags were to go off they wouldn’t have enough room. So basically - I have driving anxiety. Unfortunately I drive a lot for work and far. Well yesterday I took my kids to a fun Valentine’s Day party and we got in an accident on the way home. To set the scene, when we first started on our way we were on the highway and I was switching lanes and a car got in my blind spot and we were both merging into the same lane. Luckily spotted it and nothing happened there. Although I was spooked. Then as we got off the highway I was on a 6 way Blvd type road, the light was green and suddenly the cars in front of me were stopped. I slammed on my breaks and in that second I knew I could not stop, so I swerved to the right and did stop. However the car behind me did not. And the reason we were breaking: a cop was crossing this huge intersection. I couldn’t hear the sirens or see the lights until it was too late. I feeling of hopelessness when breaking and knowing I couldn’t stop is haunting me. Then looking in the mirror and seeing the car behind me slam into the back. Luckily my kids and myself were ok, no the airbags did not go off my watch noticed I was in an accident and called 911. I just don’t know what to do from here. I keep thinking about it. It wasn’t my fault on paper but I know I could have done better to avoid it. I just feel so sad. And I am so scared to be in any accident that is worse.

It should be made With others tão cds

Do you imagine Backstreet Boys (1996) And backstreet's back 2.0

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

Dad looking for some help kn getting caught up with content

Hi everyone, as the title say I'm a 33 y.o dad looking for a person or two to please help getting caught with the latest releases. I used to play a looot of destiny back in the day but for the last few years I had to put Destiny down to focus on my family, we have a beautiful daughter and of course it's my priority. Now that she's older I can have some free time and would love to find a person or two to help teaching the new content, i haven't done the last two raids ( although I'm not that interested, don't have enough time) and the last two dungeons. I'm mostly caught up with the story so there's that at least! Lfg are always asking to KWTD and so here i am looking for a chill group to help. Thank you everyone.

Is the RAC on campus open to public if I wanted to play racquetball?

I feel like I already know the answer but just wondering. Thanks :)

does he like me?

F(18) in undergrad right now Me and my crush M(18/19?) made a lot of eye contact in our accounting class last semester. At first, I didn’t think too much of it because we sit across from each other and I was like oh he’s just really cute that’s why I’m noticing him. But then this semester, I finally talked to him at a mutual friend’s party and he seemed to know and notice small details about me. We had talked for a bit and he was very flirty and touchy with me, like touching my neck and my waist while we were talking. We don’t have any classes together this semester but I’ve noticed him lurking around me at times, it’s gotten to the point where some of my friends can tell. So, I decided to gauge his interest by talking to him alone and he was very animated and excited during our convo. He even asked for my number and when I was like oh we should hang out (in a group setting) he seemed very interested and excited. I started texting him (very sparingly) and he seemed very eager and was interested in hanging out with me and some of our mutual friends in a group. But then a couple of days later he didn’t respond to my text and I refused to double text. I recently invited him and some other mutual friends to hang out but he would either take forever to respond to or just would not respond in that group chat. When he finally responded he gave a noncommittal response, despite originally being very eager. Does this boy like me or is he just being polite and want to be my friend? My understanding is that he’s a pretty shy and introverted guy who doesn’t go out much. I’m more extroverted, so I’m trying to be careful not to be too annoying or overbearing or seeming to eager because I don’t want to scare him away.

Do I have a twin?

Filet with crab and shrimp topping

Navicon Torture Technologies- The Stars and The Scars


Trump officials didn’t realize firings included nuclear stockpile staff

Trump officials didn’t realize firings included nuclear stockpile staff

LF MERCH MANIA will trade two 4 star

What does this chinese text on the cover of enter hex 8888 say?

i tried translating it and all i can make out is the word "flying" somewhere in it

Calorie estimation? It's on French bread and mozzarella cheese

I'm thinking around 450

"> I'm thinking around 450

What do you think this is worth?

Will be posting on me Depop in the next few days along with some Other vintage rock t shirts

Introducing compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hims, featuring the same active ingredient as Ozempic® and Wegovy®.

Introducing compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hims, featuring the same active ingredient as Ozempic® and Wegovy®.

Another sizing help post

So I got the 11–currently around a size 10ish in regular rings in my pointer finger which is my preferred finger for my oura. I have found there have been some gaps in data and I am constantly checking to make sure it’s aligned correctly on my finger. I am also hoping to lose about 20 pounds—before I gained my ring size was closer to a 9 on that same finger. I didn’t want to wait to send back the 11, get the 10 and have it not be right and be stuck with it so I next day Amazon ordered the 10 (yes I have tried the sizer but so many have said they sizers for the 4 fit off from the actual rings so I was nervous replying on it). Anyway, I got the 10 and it’s for sure tighter. Still fits but I have to pull a little harder to get it off, but it doesn’t turn around my finger at all so that’s probably good? I’m also thinking this could be the best move so when I do drop those 20 pounds hopefully it will be the perfect fit. Has anyone gone with the tighter fit and regretted it? I know that’s what oura recommends so you can get the most accurate data but I want to hear from real people too.

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